And stylus 40 is a fritz gyger which betters the shibata found on the 2m black. All super om cartridges weigh only 5 gms and have 4mv output. Dec 11, 2004 the ortofon om series are all identical in terms of their cartridge body. Each one features ortofon s special cutout nose that makes accurate record cuing a snap while reducing stylus and record damage. Lm 15 concorde, super om 20, om 20, omp 20, omb 20, lm 20, concorde 20, lm 20 h, tm 20 u, tm 20 h, super om 30, om 30, omp 30, omb 30, lm 30, concorde 30, sme 30 h, lm 30 h, tm 30 h, om 40, om 40 gold and std concorde. Nov 03, 2010 here is another thread giving slightly cheaper alternatives to your stylus. It will fit on an om ortofon cartridge and is an ideal way of upgrading the sound from an om5, om10 or even an om20. Buy ortofon pros stylus for om, omp, or concorde cart at amazon uk. Diamond stylus company replacement ortofon series om lm. Ortofon 30 replacement stylus steve hoffman music forums. Lp gear ortofon super om30 set premounted cartridge by. The compliance of the heavier 2m bronzeblack cartridges 22 mmn is only slightly lower than the lighter weight super om3040 25 mmn, so theres not much of a difference there. Ersatznadel fur ortofon super om 20, om 20, omp 20, omb 20, lm 20, concorde 20, lm 20h, tm. Ortofon 30 stylus phono cartridge stylus specs cnet.
Super om 20, om 20, omp 20, omb 20, lm 20, concorde 20, lm 20h, tm 20u, tm 20h. This replacement stylus is recommended for the following cartridge models. With its fritz gyger stylus, it resolves the grooves with celestial eloquence, clarity and grace. Ortofon pro s replacement stylus for om, omp, or concorde cart brand new. Ortofon super om 30 phono cartridge turntable needles. Those familiar with the previous ortofon mm line will know that the cartridge body on the om series is the same for all models. On the 9th of october 1918, the two danish engineers, axel petersen 18871971 and arnold poulsen 18891952 founded the electrical phono film company. Perfect stylus upgrade option for the ortofon om cartridge. Super om 30 omp 30 omb 30 lm30 sme 30h lm30h at the best online prices at ebay. They developed a new system of cutter head for the gramophone industry and the amplifier, developed in secrecy during ww ii. Ortofon 30 stylus phono cartridge stylus overview and full product specs on cnet. Ortofon needle 20 mm stylus for omb om super omp omt od lm tm cartridge original. Elliptical diamonds are able to follow the groove oscillations more.
Check out the deal on lp gear ortofon super om30 set at lp gear. Replacement stylus for ortofon om or pro s cartridge gold anniversary edition. Jico or similar stylii for ortofon om series vinyl and. No feedback has been given for ortofon super om 30 cartridge. The cutter head was revolutionary because the level of registration of the oscillations was raised from 5 khz to 14. Ill have to wait until i get home and hook my iphone up to my stereo.
Ortofon stylus 30 for super om 30 genuine stylus item feedback. Project essential ii turntable project phono box s2 preamp onkyo a9150 stereo receiver dali zensor 5 speakers recorded and edited on iphone and. Cartridge system without replacement needle output voltage. This quality stylus is standard fit for, amongst other turntables, the project essential. While this ortofon stylus 30 can be used in any ortofon super om, om, omp, omb or tm series cartridge, its use in any ortofon cartridge not specifically marked super on the cartridge body. As i mentioned in another thread, the whole reason i switched to a different cartridge in the first place was the huge price increases on ortofon s om series. Each one features ortofons special cutout nose that makes accurate record cuing a snap while reducing stylus and. Turntable needles ortofon om30 the name of the styli below may differ from the one you have choosen ortofon om30, this is because many types of needles come under several names ortofon om30. Super om 5e features elliptical stylus that provides balanced and distortionfree playback. Replacement stylus, recommended for the following cartridge models. A special customer fyi notice from our senior tech.
Although ortofon has discontinued their super om series cartridges, we have a limited supply of n. Super om 10, om 10, omp 10, omb 10, omt 10, lm 10, concorde 10, concorde ec 10, concorde std. Ortofon stylus 30 for om30 cartridge turntable needles. Super om 30, om 30, omp 30, omb 30, lm 30, concorde 30, sme 30h, lm 30h, tm 30h stylus type nude fine line. Om5e replacement stylus at, a better music store experience since 1999.
A replacement stylus for the ortofon om 5e cartridge. Will supply to europe and worldwide delivery addresses. Equivalent stylus tip mass 0,3 mg tracking force range 1. Jico om30 vs ortofon originals page 4 vinyl engine. Well, i just received my new ortofon stylus 20, and it did not live up to my. Replacement stylus for ortofon om and super om series will fit the following ortofon cartridges. Super om 30, om 30, omp 30, omb 30, lm 30, concorde 30, sme 30h, lm 30h,tm 30h please note, all cartridges within the om range have the same fitting, so they can all fit the stylus 5, stylus 5e, stylus 10, stylus 20, stylus 30, stylus 40 and stylus 78. Ortofon supplies no information with the cartridge packaging regarding the rationale for retaining or removing the weight. Super om 30 omp 30 omb 30 lm30 sme 30h lm30h bei ebay. Now i can tell you that having owned an om10 ok soundbudget stylusand om20 excellent all rounder and definitely hifi, that this om30 is.
Ortofon stylus typ 30 ersatznadel fur super om 30, om 30, omp. Super om 30, om 30, omp 30, omb 30, lm 30, concorde 30, sme 30h, lm 30h,tm 30h. This stylus features a nude diamond with fine line profile supposedly superior to the. The ortofon stylus 10 is a replacement and upgrade stylus for the ortofon om cartridge range. Replacement stylus for ortofon om 10 and super om 10 will fit the following ortofon cartridges. I hope you find this useful especially if you are in the situation of upgrading your om stylus. Instead of being merely intended for replacement purposes following wear or damage, the om 5 series allows you to step up to better sound by simply upgrading the stylus. Depending on your preference, styli for the om 5 series are easily interchanged and include. Ortofon needle 20 mm stylus for omb om super omp omt od. Buy replacement stylus suitable for ortofon stylus 5e1020, ff15e mk ii, vms20e mkii, omb5om51020 project debut om5e securely online free delivery within uk.
A fast handling and a good service is a matter of course for us. By means of computer simulations it has been possible to define the natural pivot point of the system with unprecedented accuracy while achieving an optimum oscillation balance. Naakte diamanten missen een lijmver binding en hebben een lagere massa ge wicht. Ortofon om pro s schwarz, tonabnehmersystem ohne ersatznadel farbe schwarz, ohne headshell 145414, spharischer. Super om 30, om 30, omp 30, omb 30, lm 30, concorde 30, sme 30h, lm 30h, tm 30h. But i think its easier to properly balance a 2m cartridge on more tonearms. Otherwise you may view the record player system index or the cartridge index for ortofon. The om 30 had provided excellent service, though as i was attmepting to get the best possible sound out of my faithfull ar xb1 turntable modified with a grace 707 arm i thought id try the better stylus the 40. Most recently, the ortofon super om30 and the super om20 cartridges received the very prestigious editors choice award from the absolute sound.
Super om 10, om 10, omp 10, omb 10, omt 10, lm 10, concorde 10, concorde ec 10, tm 10h, lmb 12, smb 12, lma 12 please note, all cartridges within the om range have the same fitting, so they can all fit the stylus 5, stylus 5e, stylus 10, stylus 20, stylus 30, stylus 40 and. I also remember agon member zuki selling ortofon om series cartridges at very reasonable prices if one liked the ortofon sound. Ortofon super om 5e apple ios music athens pro audio. Ortofon om scratch cartridge premounted on sh4 headshell turntable cartridge for sshaped tone arms, with shure sh4 headshell, spherical stylus, and rubber suspension. Ich betreibe ein om super mit einer d 25 m nadel in. With a standard elliptical stylus, the om30 offers performance to suit any budget. We offer a wide range of replacement styli for the om super series cartridges.
Ortofon super om30 phono cartridge by carbonman welcome licorice pizza lp lovers. Compatible with ortofon concorde pro s and ortofon om pro s the pro s is perfect for newcomers on the dj scene who want to start off with decent, but not too expensive equipment the pro s has a spherical diamond stylus which minimizes wear and a rugged cantilever which can survive hectic activity at the turntable. With the om cartridge you instantly hear the improvement. Replacement stylus telephone support contact formular categories. Super om 10, om 10, omp 10, omb 10, omt 10, lm 10, concorde 10, concorde ec 10, tm 10h, lmb 12, smb 12, lma 12. Stylus colour black recommended for following cartridges.
Mar 11, 2015 hey guys i have an ortofon om pro s, a dj cartridge with a spherical stylus. They are completely ideal for the light arm and the proof is that with the better of the two needles stylus 30 i can actually track the toughest torture test track on the hifi news test lp without more than a hint of mistracking. Please note, all cartridges within the om range have the same fitting, so they can all fit the stylus 5, stylus 5e, stylus 10, stylus 20, stylus 30, stylus 40 and stylus 78. I was thinking of changing to an om 20, 30, or 40, as the bodies are the same and i can just change the stylus. Ortofon stylus typ 30 ersatznadel fur super om 30, om 30, omp 30, omb 30, lm 30, concorde. Finden sie topangebote fur ortofon stylus 30 mm ersatznadel f. Ortofon needle 20 mm stylus for omb om super omp omt od lm tm. Its sounds ok, but is spherical and has a high tracking weight. You will probally find it easiest to find your stylus by looking at the pictures below. Only genuine original ortofon cartridges and styli at. One can buy a used om 10 for next to nothing and then upgrade to an om 30 stylus for less than the cost of a new om 30.
The super om cartridges have been designed on the basis of our om lightweight system with three major improvements. Compatible with ortofon concorde pro s and ortofon om pro s the pro s is perfect for newcomers on the dj scene who want to start off with decent, but not too expensive equipment the pro s has a spherical diamond stylus which minimizes wear and a rugged. Super om 30, om 30, omp 30, omb 30, lm 30, concorde 30, sme 30h, lm30h,tm 30h cartridges. In some cases we wil show alternatives if the original needle is no longer available. Turntable needles ortofon om 30 the name of the styli below may differ from the one you have choosen ortofon om 30, this is because many types of needles come under several names ortofon om 30. The super om 30 certainly falls into this category.
Now i can tell you that having owned an om10 ok soundbudget stylus and om20 excellent all rounder and definitely hifi, that this om30 is simply mind blowing and justifies the price tag. Several months ago i purchased a super om catridge, om 5 and om 40 stylii, to compliment my existing om 30 catridge and stylii. We install a new current production genuine ortofon stylus 30 as our technician inspects the cartridge prior to shipment. All cartridges within the om range have the same fitting, so they can all fit the stylus 5, stylus 5e, stylus 10, stylus 20, stylus 30, stylus 40 and stylus 78. And i wouldnt be surprised if its nude fine line diamond actually tracks a bit better than the jicos bonded shibata due to the nude fls lower mass. The following lists all styli for ortofon that we stock. With a standard elliptical stylus, the om 30 offers performance to suit any budget. Not as good as yours, bmrr, cant really compare i guess quickly shot with just iphone. Ortofon om 30 ersatznadel ab 219,00 preisvergleich bei.
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